An innovative approach to thinning plums for improved labour efficiencies, fruit quality and orchard economics

Lead Applicant: John Cline

Research Priority: Competitive Production Systems 

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2023/2024

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: Plum trees can bear an excessive number of fruit on the tree, resulting in biennial bearing (occurring every two years) and an excessive number of small fruit that are unmarketable. Removal of fruit by manual hand thinning in late June in years with heavy fruit set is necessary to ensure the fruit are of sufficient size and quality at harvest. Hand-thinning is time-consuming and consequently expensive, and requires a significant amount of labour over a short period. This project will investigate a novel compound, 1-ACC, that is sprayed on trees at or shortly following bloom to selectively remove fruit. The benefits are five-fold: i) reduced need for hand thinning; ii) reduced need and reliance on manual labour; iii) improved fruit quality; iv) overall improved orchard efficiency and economic sustainability, and v) provide consistent cropping. This project is intended to support research in the use of 1-ACC to thin plums by providing evidence-based research and improve economic outcomes.