Research Highlights

Catalysts' Edge: Powering Hydrogen From Water

Exploiting catalysts' capabilities, Dr. Chen's team employs UV-Vis spectroscopy and SPECM to enhance water electrolysis efficiency for sustainable hydrogen fuel generation.

Water's Extraordinary Secret: Catalysts and Clean Energy

Headshot of Michele Oliver

Breaking Barriers: Rethinking Armor Design for Female Soldiers

Not all heroes wear capes, but they do wear armour. Meet Dr. Michele Oliver, a trailblazer from the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, who is working towards making armour more accommodating for the real-world superheroes - our soldiers. The twist? Her study focuses on determining whether armour needs to be tailored for female soldiers, a long-ignored demographic in military armour design.

Figure 1- An Avian Influenza risk map of Indonesia developed by Dara and her team.

Harnessing Social Media: A Novel Approach to Disease Surveillance

Don't underestimate the power of social media! Social media is no longer just a place for selfies and memes. Dr. Rozita Dara, from the School of Computer Science, has recently unlocked a fascinating use of Twitter that could change the face of disease surveillance and management. This new method involves the analysis of Twitter data, aiding in predicting disease trends and gauging public perception toward health policies.

A Leap in Public Health Management Through Machine Learning

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