HNRU Phlebotomists

What do the HNRU Phlebotomists do?

Currently, the HNRU has three staff phlebotomists who work in our unit directly with study participants. They are part of the clinical trial team and have specialized training in taking blood samples (also known as phlebotomy). They have many years of experience and expertise in venipunctures and intravenous catheters, and most importantly, participant care and satisfaction! They are just some of the friendly faces you will see in the HNRU during a study visit.

Who are the HNRU Phlebotomists?

 Nina is a Gryphon through and through - she graduated from the University of Guelph B.Sc. Human Kinetics (Honours) Program. What she enjoys most about working in the HNRU is being a part of so many different projects/studies. This provides an amazing opportunity to work with a large variety of graduate students and faculty in HHNS along with a diverse population of members of the Guelph community; and James Turgeon: After completing an Honours BSc. in Human Kinetics at the University of Guelph, James continued his education at Western University. There he received a MSc. in Clinical Anatomy before returning to the University of Guelph in 2012. Receiving certification in phlebotomy in 2012, James has and continues to enjoy working with wide variety of clinical studies in the HNRU and getting to meet the community.

For more information about our staff, please visit our HHNS Department profiles.