Centres, Institutes, and Groups

The University of Guelph's Policy and Procedures on Research Centres and Institutes, and Scholarly Chairs outlines the process for establishing a centre or institute, governance expectations and reporting requirements. The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat.

  • Centres and Institutes
  • Groups
Logo for Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute

Enables evidence-informed groundwater resource stewardship by providing world-class training and collaboration to advance knowledge, professional practice, and policy.

Founded by Dr. Beth Parker in 2007, this multi-disciplinary, field-based academic group specializes in the development of methods and tools for high-resolution contaminated site characterization; monitoring for potential impacts to groundwater from oil and gas development; and groundwater resource characterization and monitoring for sustainability and ecosystem protection.

One Health Institute

One Health is the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines working together on our planet’s most complex animal, human and environmental health problems, such as infectious diseases, food safety and antimicrobial resistance.

The One Health Institute enhances and promotes academic, research and outreach programs to propel the University of Guelph to the forefront of One Health scholarship internationally.

Logo for Ontario Rural Wastewater Centre Ontario Rural Wastewater Centre

Promotes environmentally sustainable development of rural and unsewered areas through training, demonstration and applied research on nutrient and agricultural-food waste management and rural municipal, wastewater treatment.

Physical Science and Engineering Education Research Centre (PSEER)

Promotes discipline-based education research in engineering, computing, mathematical and physical sciences to improve the effectiveness of teaching and to contribute to a better understanding of learning processes in these disciplines.

Re-Vision logo Re-Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice

Investigates the power of the arts, and especially story, to open up conversations about systemic (rather than individualized) injustices in health care, education, and the arts sectors.

Founded in 2012 by Dr. Carla Rice, the driving purpose of this arts methodology research hub is to support and equip academics, artists, activists and storytellers from justice-seeking communities seeking to shift misrepresentations with cutting-edge technological tools and methodologies.