Q&A with Sooraj

Posted on Monday, April 13th, 2020

Image of Sooraj

The past few weeks have been unprecedented. Few of us have experienced anything similar in our lifetime. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus has meant changes to how we work, live, and finish out the academic year. Each of us is facing unique challenges, but connecting through each other’s stories may provide some small comfort as we collectively face the uncertainties that lie ahead.

Sooraj Modi is a Computer Science student and Society of Computer and Information Science (SOCIS) President. Here is a sneak peek into how Sooraj is coping with some of the recent changes to life and school. His full story can be found on our CEPS YouTube channel.

How do you stay connected to friends and family?

I make sure I regularly talk to them, whether it's Skype, phone calls, or text messages.

What are you doing to stay physically and mentally healthy?

In the morning, what I like to do is either yoga stretches or just some exercises to get my body active and ready for the day. In terms of mental health, I make sure I regularly take breaks because it can be hard to draw that line between work an dplay when you're in one environment between.

Do you have any advice for students as they finish their academic year?

Every morning, what I like to do, either with a roommate a friend or a family member, is just to talk about what I accomplished yesterday, what I plan to do today, and the challenges that might get in my way. I find it's a great way to plan out your day and keep yourself accountable for what you set out to do. Remember that we're in this together, and we'll make it through together.

See Sooraj's full story on our CEPS YouTube channel.

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