Consult the Office of Diversity & Human Rights
- Consult the Office of Diversity & Human Rights (DHR)
- The Ontario Human Rights Code is for everyone. It is a provincial law that gives everybody equal rights and opportunities without discrimination in areas such as jobs, housing and services.
- The Code’s goal is to prevent discrimination and harassment because of race, sex, disability and age, to name a few of the 17 grounds. All other Ontario laws and University policies must agree with the Code.
- The University of Guelph expresses its commitment to the maintenance of human dignity, of individuals and groups of individuals through its Human Rights Policy (“Policy”) which is supplemental to the Code.
- The Office of Diversity & Human Rights (DHR) is responsible for providing advice under the Policy and its Procedures, and managing its complaint processes in a consistent, timely, impartial and fair manner.
- If you think your rights under the Code have been violated, or if you just have a question, you are invited to contact DHR for assistance or direction.
Indira Naidoo-Harris
Associate Vice-President, Diversity and Human Rights
Click this link to email Indira:
1-519-824-4120 x 53000
Dilshan Fernando
Accessibility & Equity Officer
Click this link to email Dilshan:
519-824-4120 x 53000
Angela Guerra
Training, Education, & Inclusion Officer
Click this link to email Angela:
519-824-4120 x 53000
Meghan Sinclair
Communications, Events & Social Media Officer
Click this link to email Meghan:
519-824-4120 x 53275
Anny Strojin
Human Rights Advisor
Click this link to email Anny:
519-824-4120 x 56100