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The Healthy Cities Conference poster, with the title "The Third Annual Healthy Cities Conference, June 24, 2024, Guelph, Ontario"

Healthy Cities Conference

Entry points for Solutions at Scale for Prosperous and Resilient Urban and Rural Circular Economies The Healthy Cities conference aims to bring together researchers, trainees, practitioners, and knowledge users with an interest in building healthy cities to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. By facilitating discussions on current issues, research findings, and potential solutions, the conference aims to identify emerging priorities for healthy cities and opportunities for further research and training. The conference program will feature sessions and posters...
Event poster, with the title "Circular Economy Showcase 2024: Canada's Hotspot for Business Innovation Unlock Unprecedented Opportunities at Circular Economy Showcase 2024, Guelph, ON, June 24-27, 2024"

International Circular Economy Hotspot Conference

Circular Economy Showcase 2024 Circular Economy Showcase 2024 is a conference designed to provide attendees with a valuable proposition, focusing on enhancing business processes, improving overall business strategies, and reducing costs through the implementation of circular economy practices. Most of the program will be delivered by Canadian and European business leaders who are already implementing Circular Economy initiatives. Join us and embrace the green revolution by driving efficiencies, achieving cost reduction, and adopting ESG sustainable practices. Delve into best...

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