Prospective Participants

Where can I find online study posters?

Nutrition studies in the Human Nutraceutical Research Unit (HNRU)

The HNRU conducts high quality human research studies on foods and natural health products. Check out our Current HNRU Study Posters to see what's new! 

Health related studies in the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences (HHNS)

Our Department faculty also have a vast range of expertise in health research beyond the HNRU. Check out more study opportunities on the HHNS website for Study Recruitment

Other University of Guelph studies

There are lots of exciting studies happening campus wide in other Departments too. Check out the U of Guelph Research Ethics Board website for Research Participants Needed

What can I expect during a study?

The idea of being part of a research study may seem intidimating at first, but rest assured, it can be a rewarding and fun experience. It helps to ask lots of questions about the study expectations before giving consent to participate and as well, throughout the entire study.  Also know that if you are ever feeling uncomfortable, you can always talk to our study coordinators and it is your right to withdraw from the study at any time.  Be sure to watch our Participating in HNRU Research Video to see what the experience is like in the HNRU!