Standard Operating Procedure Concerning the Management of Hate Activities

The SOP is currently under review
Human Rights Advisory Group
Standard Operating Procedure Concerning the
Management of Hate Activities
September 2005
The purpose of this Procedure is to provide a standard operating procedure (SOP) to guide
intervention in cases where alleged hate activities that express intolerance on grounds
protected by the University’s human rights policy manifest themselves at the University.
This SOP is based on the principles and underlying values of the University of Guelph’s
human rights policy.
1. Hate Activities Sub-Committee
The Hate Activities Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the Human Rights Advisory Group
(HRAG). The purpose of the Hate Activities Sub-Committee is two-fold: (1) to educate the
community about this SOP and its relationship to the University’s human rights policy and to
make recommendations to HRAG for amendments as necessary and appropriate; and (2) to
respond to particular allegations or incidents and make recommendations for action that
uphold the University’s human rights policy.
The Hate Activities Sub-Committee advises HRAG on policy and procedural matters and the
Director of the Human Rights and Equity Office (HREO) with regard to specific allegations
or incidents. Its membership is comprised as follows:
 Director of the HREO (chair)
 The Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs)
 Director of Campus Community Police
 Assistant Vice-President (Human Resources)
 2 members of HRAG, one of whom is a student
Depending upon the allegations or incident, the Sub-Committee’s membership will be
augmented appropriately to ensure that the committee utilizes specialized expertise and/or
incorporates groups that may be impacted.
Role and Responsibilities of the Director of the HREO
The Director of the HREO is responsible for the implementation of the SOP and will convene
the Sub-Committee as required and in a timely fashion. Specific roles include:
 Receive information from members of the University community concerning allegations
of hate activities;
 Upon receiving such information, undertake a preliminary assessment to determine
whether the matter should be brought before the Sub-Committee;
 In collaboration with Director, Campus Community Police, ensure that appropriate
documentation and photographic records of the alleged hate incident(s) are made before
any offending or potentially offensive material is removed;
 Schedule meetings of the Sub-Committee and ensure the relevant administrators are
informed appropriately;
 Ensure that individuals with the appropriate expertise and responsibilities are available on
the Sub-Committee to discuss particular allegations or incidents;
 Maintain records of the manifestations of hate and ensure appropriate reporting to
 Through the Sub-Committee, ensure that there is coordinated, regular review of the SOP.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Sub-Committee
 Disseminate information on the purpose and procedures of the SOP, explaining its
relationship to the University’s human rights policy. Make recommendations to the
Director of the HREO about educational interventions necessary in relation to allegations
or incidents of hate activities.
Affirmative Measures
 Regularly review and update the SOP based on incidents handled by the Sub-Committee,
changing federal or provincial legislation, or changing University needs or policies and
make recommendations for change to the SOP to HRAG;
 Provide advice on planned events that may be controversial.
Responses to a particular incident
 Ensure that pertinent information is gathered and documentary evidence obtained with
regard to allegations or incidents;
 Coordinate timely internal communication to the University community about allegations
or incidents including information concerning the University’s responses to hate activity;
 Devise and implement appropriate responses to allegations or incidents of hate activity in
a manner consistent with the principles and procedures embodied in the University’s
human rights policy;
 Consider and recommend appropriate consequences for proven incidents of hate activity;
 After the initial response to allegations or incidents of hate activity, pursue any follow-up
communications, procedures or activities deemed to be necessary;
 Where appropriate, ensure that senior administrators and the targeted individuals or
groups involved are aware of the actions of the Sub-Committee;
 Debrief regarding incidents and related interventions to assist in the formulation of any
recommendations to HRAG for appropriate changes to the SOP.
2. Implementing the SOP in the Context of Allegations or Incidents of Hate Activity
The Director of the HREO will implement the SOP as follows:
Decision to Activate the Sub-Committee
When the Director of the HREO receives allegations or information concerning behaviour
that might fall under the SOP, the Director shall obtain as much information as necessary to
make a preliminary assessment of the alleged hate activity and make a judgment as to
whether or not the SOP applies.
The Sub-Committee will be responsible for carrying out some or all of the following actions.
It is expected that the Sub-Committee will determine which actions are necessary in the
particular circumstances guided by the principles and procedures embodied in the
University’s human rights policy.
 Determine what facts are known, what information is still needed, how such information
should be obtained, and, if possible, an anticipated timeline for the process;
 Determine whether any further special expertise or representation on the Sub-Committee
is necessary or required;
 Document facts and record all decisions;
 Explore options to respond to the allegations or incidents of alleged hate activity;
 Arrange for appropriate communications with the University community;
 Establish responsibility among the Sub-Committee members for following up on
decisions. It is expected that in some cases the follow-up action will not require the
whole Sub-Committee but members of the Sub-Committee will be informed of continued
progress on issues. These activities will be coordinated through the HREO, which will
arrange for further meetings as necessary.
3. Records
The HREO shall maintain a file containing the facts of each manifestation of hate activity
addressed by the Sub-Committee and a record of all decisions made and actions taken in
accordance with the University’s human rights policy. The HREO will be responsible for
ensuring that copies of pertinent documents associated with the incident are retained e.g.,
copies of security reports, correspondence, photographic evidence etc.