Inspire North Guelph 2016 | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Inspire North Guelph 2016

Date and Time


Thornbrough Building, Room 1307



Inspire North is hosting a free speaker series on Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at the University of Guelph.

You will have direct access to distinguished leaders who have achieved success in their chosen profession.

Admission is free and open to all University of Guelph students.  Only 100 spots are available.
Register through Eventbrite to secure your seat:

Speaker Lineup:

Allan B. Cosman - Past CEO of Ferrero Canada
Allan Cosman has committed over 35 years to building food & consumer good brands and organizations. He has worked in a global marketing and multicultural context for a large portion of his career in English, French and Italian. His experience includes extensive line management responsibility in Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, General Management and Board Director roles.

Ramy Dimitry - Vice President, Strategy & Change Management, Scotiabank
Ramy Dimitry is responsible for leading the Strategy and Communications functions for Scotiabank, focusing on building an in-house consultancy capability, and advising the executive team on strategic transformation programs as Scotiabank prepares to meet the opportunities and challenges presented by the changing landscape of the financial services sector. Ramy is fluent in four languages – English, Arabic, Italian, and French. While in Egypt, Ramy devoted his community volunteer efforts to Caritas, an international relief and development agency charged with helping the underprivileged.

Scotiabank $500 Bursary
Any student that registers for the event can apply to the $500 Scotiabank bursary.  This bursary is exclusive to the University of Guelph event, and the winner will be announced at the end of the event.
Requirements to Apply:
1. Register for the event.
2. Attend the event.
3. Fill out the application form found here:
(Click on "Apply Now" under the link for Student Attendees to Campus Events)
Don't delay, register and apply! Bursary applications close March 7th at 1:00pm.

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