Felix Arndt

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Recent Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals include
Röell, C., Arndt, F., Benischke, M., Piekkari, R. (2024): Doing good for political gain: The instrumental use of the SDGs as nonmarket strategies, Journal of International Business Studies.
Röell, C., Arndt, F., Kumar, V. (2024): A blessing and a curse: Institutional embeddedness of longstanding MNE subsidiaries in emerging markets, Journal of Management Studies.
Osabutey, E., Senyo, K., Kan, P.K., Arndt, F., Röell, C. (2024): Technology transfer into emerging economies: A crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis, British Journal of Management.
Röell, C., Ozbilgin, M., Arndt, F. (2024): Covert Allyship: Managing LGBT policies in adversarial contexts, Human Resource Management.
Arndt, Aharonson, Jansen, Jiang, Cao (2023): The past and future of absorptive capacity, Academy of Management Collections.
Qiu, Bouncken, Arndt, Ng (2023): Microfoundations and dynamics of Do-it-yourself ecosystems, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
With Schaerer et al. (2023): On the trajectory of discrimination. A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years on gender and hiring decisions, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Wesche, Johnston, Huey, Andrachuk, Arndt, Jiang (2023): Storytelling through uncertainty: How a Yukon entrepreneur podcast helped chronicle the COVID-19 experience, Artic Yearbook.
Wu, Arndt Ma, Hughes, & Tsang (2023): Learning from improvisation in new ventures, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
Arndt, Röell, Kumar (2023): Mature MNE subsidiaries in emerging markets: An old phenomenon with a new research agenda, AIB Insights