Jeff Qiu

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Areas of Specialization: Industrial Organization, Economics of Innovation, Antitrust
I joined the Department of Economics at the University of Guelph in 2024. Before that, I was a staff economist at the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division. I received my B.A. in Economics and Statistics from the University of California at Berkeley, M.Sc. in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (Research) from the London School of Economics, and Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University. My research is in empirical industrial organization, focusing on topics in the economics of innovation and antitrust.
“Win/Loss Data and Consumer Switching Costs: Measuring Diversion Ratios and the Impact of Mergers” (2023) with Masayuki Sawada, and Gloria Sheu, Journal of Industrial Economics, Volume 72, Issue 1, Pages 327-355
“The Matthew Effect, Research Productivity, and the Dynamic Allocation of NIH Grants”, (2023), RAND Journal of Economics. Volume 54, Issue 1, Pages 135-164
“Methods for Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimation with Endogeneity: A Gentle Guide,” (2016) with Xiaohong Chen, Annual Review of Economics, 8, 259-290.