Simon Somogyi

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Dr Simon Somogyi is a faculty member at Texas A&M University and previously held the Arrell Chair in the Business of Food and was a Full Professor in the School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management, University of Guelph. He was also the Director of the Longo's Food Retail Laboratory at Lang, and is an Honorary Senior Fellow in Agribusiness in the School of Agriculture & Food Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia, Adjunct Professor in the School of Resource & Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada and an affiliated faculty member of the One Health Institute at the University of Guelph.
He was also a lead author on Canada's Food Price Report, an annual publication that predicts Canadian food prices for the coming year.
He has a PhD in Agribusiness Marketing from the University of Adelaide, Australia and he is a teacher and researcher in the area of food and agribusiness sales and distribution management and smart and virtual food retailing.
His current research is focused on consumer adoption and industry and policy development of smart and virtual agrifood sales and distribution management.
He has also led and contributed to research and development value chain projects in countries such as China, Japan, Australia, Pakistan, The Philippines, Indonesia, Kenya and Canada. Most of these projects involve creating and delivering consumer driven food supply chains, linking members of the chain from input supply and primary production to retail, particularly in the beverage, seafood and horticulture sectors.
He has appeared in print, radio and TV media outlets such as BBC News, The Guardian, The Globe & Mail, The Hill Times, Maclean's, CTV, CBC, Global News, Canadian Press, National Post and The Financial Post. He also provides consulting services to the private sector and federal and provincial Canadian governments and is active on Twitter as @SimonSomogyiAFI
PhD in Agribusiness Marketing, University of Adelaide, Australia
Honours Degree in Wine Marketing (1st Class), University of Adelaide, Australia
Food consumer behaviour
Smart and virtual food retailing
Agri-food value chain analysis & management
Publications from the last 5 years
Thomas-Francois, K., Somogyi, S & Zolfaghari A. The cultural acceptance of digital food shopping: conceptualization, scale development and validation? International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Accepted and in print
Zolfaghari, A., Thomas-Francois, K and Somogyi S. Consumer adoption of digital grocery shopping: What is the impact of consumer’s prior-to-use knowledge? British Food Journal (accepted and in print).
Robinson, E., McAdams, B., Somogyi, S. & Thomas-Francois, K. Managerial decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the sustainability initiatives of Canadian foodservice businesses, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, (accepted in print).
Thomas-Francois, K and Somogyi, S (2022). Consumers’ intention to adopt virtual grocery shopping. Does technological readiness and the optimization of consumer learning matter? International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. Vol. 50 No. 5, pp. 638-657
Music, J., Charlebois, S., Marangoni, A., Ghazani, S., Burgess, J, Proulx, A., Somogyi, S. & Patelli, Y. (2022). Data deficits and transperancy: What let to Canada's "Buttergate"? Trends in Food Science and Technology, (accepted in print).
Charlebois, S., Smook, M., Wambui, B., Somogyi, S., Racey, M., Fiander, D., Music. J., Caron,I. (2021), Can Canadians afford the new Canada’s Food Guide? Asessing Barriers and Challenges. Journal of Food Research, Vol, 10, No. 6.
Charlebois, S., Bowdridge, E., Lemieux, J.C., Somogyi, S., Music, J. (2021). Supply Management 2.0: A Policy Assessment and a Possible Roadmap for the Canadian Dairy Sector, Foods, Vol 10, 5. 964.
Wang, O., Somogyi, S., Ablett, R (2021). The influences of quality attributes and socio-demographics on Chinese consumers' general and online consumptions of Canadian, US and Australian lobsters, British Food Journal, Vol. 123 No. 7, pp. 2289-2306.
Thomas- Francois, K & Somogyi, S. (2021). Affective adoption of new grocery shopping modes through cultural change acceptance, consumer learning, and other means of persuasion, International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, Vol 12, 4. pp 323-338.
Teese, J., Currey, P, Somogyi (2020). Influence of strategic information sharing in Australian fresh produce chains: the view from experts, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, DOI: 10.1080/08974438.2020.1863285
Rahnama, H & Somogyi, S (2020): Northern Iranian Consumers’ Motivation for Seafood Choice, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, Vol 32, 5, pp. 441-463.
Charlebois, S., Somogyi, S., Music, J. Caron, I. (2020). Plant, Ethics, Health and the New World Order in Proteins, Journal of Agricultural Studies, 8, 3. 171-192.
Charlebois, S., Music, J., Sterling, S., Somogyi, S. (2020). Edibles and Canadian consumers’ willingness to consider recreational cannabis in food or beverage products: A second assessment. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 98, 25-29.
Wang, O., Somogyi, S., Charlebois, S. (2020). Food choice in the e-commerce era: A comparison between Business-To-Consumer (B2C), Online-To-Offline (O2O) and New Retail, British Food Journal, 122, 4,1215-1237
Wang, O. & Somogyi., S., (2020). Motives for luxury seafood consumption in first-tier cities in China, Food Quality and Preference, 79, 103780.
Charlebois, S., Somogyi, S., Kirk, K. (2020). Fragmented Food Habits and the Disintegration of Traditional Meal Patterns: A Challenge to Public Health Nutrition in Canada? Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 32, 1, 69-78.
Charlebois, S., Somogyi, S., Music, J., Cunningham, C. Biotechnology in Food (2019). Canadian Attitudes towards Genetic Engineering in both Plant- and Animal-based Foods, British Food Journal,121, 12, pp. 3181-3192
Charlebois, S., Cunningham, C., Caron, I., Somogyi, S. (2019). A review of food recalls in Canada: A nationwide survey. Food Protection Trends., Vol 39. No. 4. pp 317-325.
Somogyi, S., Wang, O., Charlebois, S (2019) Mapping the value chain of imported shellfish in China. Marine Policy, 99, 69-75
Wang, O., Somogyi, S (2019) Motives of consumer choice for sustainable shellfish in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 1, 966-975
Wang, O., Somogyi. S (2018) Chinese online consumers’ behaviour for food and general products, British Food Journal, 120, 12, 2868-2884.
Ariyawardana, A., Lilly Lim-Camacho, L., Crimp, S., Wellington, M., Somogyi. S. (2018). Consumer response to climate adaptation strategies in the food sector: An Australian scenario, Ecological Economics, 154, 383-393.
Wang, O., Somogyi., S, Ablett, R. (2018). General image, perceptions and consumer segments of luxury seafood in China: a case study for lobster, British Food Journal, 120 (5), 969-983.
Wang, O., Somogyi. (2018) Associations among product attribute perceptions, quality perceptions, attitudes and consumption for shellfish in China, Food Quality & Preference, 66 (6), 52-63.
Charlebois, S., Somogyi., Sterling, B. (2018) Marijuana-infused food and Canadian consumers’ willingness to consider recreational marijuana as a food ingredient, Trend in Food Science & Technology, 74 (4), 112- 118.
Yaseen, A, Somogyi, S, Bryceson, K.. (2018). Entrepreneurial Behaviour Formation among Farmers: Evidence from the Pakistani Dairy Industry, Journal of Agribusiness in Emerging and Developing Economies, 8 (1), 124-143.
Recent Presentations
Somogyi, S. November 4th 2020. “Value-added. Can Canada globally compete? Simpson Centre for Agricultural and Food Innovation & Public Education, School of Public Policy, University of Calgary .
Somogyi, S. October 29th 2020. “Food & Value Chains, Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Coast to Coast Virtual Showcase, Keynote,
Somogyi, S. June 24th 2020. “Value Chains Management, A Path to Canadian Food Innovation Management & Lesson From Around The Globe. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Keynote,
Somogyi, S., Charlebois, S, (2019), Cannabis- infused food and Canadian consumers’ willingness to consider recreational cannabis as a food ingredient, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Meeting, Ottawa, 9-12 July.
Somogyi, S. March 21 2019, “How the value-added food sector can be more competitive in global markets”, Senate Standing Committee for Agriculture & Forestry: Witness, Ottawa.
Wang, O, Somogyi, S., (2019), Determinants for consumer food choice with the New Retail Mode, 63rd Australasian Agricultural Economics Society (AARES) Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-15 February
Wang, O., Somogyi, S (2016), Chinese shellfish consumer preferences and the impacts on the Nova Scotian shellfish value chain: a conceptual model, International Food and Agribusiness Management Congress, Aarhus, June 19- 23 2016.
Yaseen, A; Somogyi, S (2015), Promoting entrepreneurship in Pakistan’s dairy industry: An empirical testing of two models of entrepreneurial intentions, International Food and Agribusiness Management Congress, Minneapolis, June 12- 15 2015.
Currey, P., Somogyi, S., Ariyawardana, A., (2015) Why organisations struggle to implement a market orientation: insights into beliefs of top management. To be presented at International Food Marketing Research Symposium in Crete, Greece on June 18-19, 2015.
Crimp, S., Lim-Camacho, L., Doer, V., Howden, M., Ariyawardana, A., Lewis, G. and S. Somogyi (2014). Exploring adaptation options across food value chains: the role of climate futures. In: The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, (). 30 September – 2 October 2014.
Lim-Camacho, L., Lewis, G., Somogyi, S., Ariyawardana, A. and Crimp, S. (2014). Consumer perspectives of adaptation in the food sector. In: The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, (). 30 September – 2 October 2014.
Currey, P; Somogyi, S, Ariyawardana, A (2014). Barriers to Market Orientation in Australian Vertically-Integrated Horticultural Enterprises. 29th International Horticulture Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Yaseen, Asif; Somogyi, Simon A, (2014), Developing Collaborative Capability in the food industry, 2nd International Conference on Marketing, Colombo, Sri Lanka, * Best paper and best presentation award,
Select Funding
2021-2024: NSERC Alliance Option 2 Grant. Postharvest Preservation Technologies for Canadian-grown Horticulture as a Strategy to Reduce Food Waste. Co-investigator with Gale Bozzo. $260,500.
2020-2022, SSHRC Insight Development Grant: New Retail Food Shopping- Impacts on Canadian food retailing and consumers, Co-investigator with Kimberly Thomas-Francois, $44,869.
2020-2021, SSHRC Partnership Development Grant: Creating a Global Food Innovation Index, Co-investigator with Sylvain Charlebois and Janet Music, $23,080.
2019- 2023: SSHRC Insight Grant: Farming 4.0: Investigating how the digital data revolution may change how we produce food and the nature of rural communities, $399,248, Co-investigator with Evan Fraser, Sylvain Charlebois, Tammara Soma, Zia Mehrabi, Hannah Wittman, Krishna KC, Phillip Loring, Kelly Bronson, Peter Phillips, Lenore Newman.
2019-2021: Ontario Agri-food Alliance Research Program, Value Chain Development in the Ontario Agri-food Sector: Barriers and Keys to Success, $104,000, PI.
2019-2020, Gryphon LAAIR: Assessment of unmanned food retail stores and food smart packaging, $20,000 PI.
2017-2018, Value chain assessment of Nova Scotian cider apple industry, Nova Scotia Business Inc Productivity & Innovation Voucher Scheme, $15,000, PI.
2016-18, Nova Scotia Shellfish in China: A value chain study, NS Dept of Agriculture, funded by Growing Forward 2: $144,000, PI.
2016-17, Analysis of Chinese consumers’ online lobster purchasing, NS Dept of Agriculture, $9500, PI.
2015-16- Agri-fooByproduct Market Analysis, Genome Atlantic: $41,000, PI
2013- Market Analysis and development of pumpkins to Singapore, DAFF (QLD): $11,000, PI.
2013-16- Australia Department of Agriculture, Foresty and Fisheries (DAFF), Carbon Farming Future, Filling the Research Gap, Adaptive Value Chain Approaches, in conjunction with CSIRO, University of Tasmania: $1.5 million. CI.
2012-13- ACIAR: Philippines SRA project for fresh vegetable: $183,000, CI.
2012-13 AusAid, Pakistan Pro Poor Market Development: $104,000, CI
Select Media
Chaudry, S & Somogyi, S. February 23rd 2022. Here’s why your family’s groceries are getting more expensive in 2022. CBC Kids News.
Alini, E & Somogyi S. February 14th 2022. Inflation may be coming for your pizza and ice cream, as milk prices soar. The Globe & Mail.
Cecco, L & Somogyi, S. January 28th 2022. Canada truckers’ vaccine protest spirals into calls to repeal all public health rules. The Guardian (UK).
Somogyi S. June 19th 2021. CHCH TV Hamilton, Food prices continue to rise.
Wong, C & Somogyi, S. Feb 4th 2021, “Alfred-oh no! Why some pasta sauces are hard to find these days”. CTV Kitchener TV.
Senoran, H., Somogyi, S. Dec 9th 2020. “Groceries will cost more in 2021”. CTV Kitchener News TV.
Brehaut, L., Somogyi, S., Charlebois, S. Dec 8th 2020. “Cook more, eat frozen: Food prices to rise by up to five per cent in 2021, report finds”, National Post,
Subramaniam, V & Somogyi, S. April 15th 2020. The Financial Post, “Shockproofing Canada: How acres of empty greenhouses could be our answer to homegrown produce shortages” could-be-our-answer-to-homegrown-produce-shortages
Strong, G.& Somogyi, S. April 4th 2020. CP24 (and syndicated through Canadian Press outlet), “Baking helping people get through COVID-19 lockdown”.
Silverberg, D, Somogyi, S. March 24th 2020, BBC News, “Could synthetic fish be a better catch of the day”,
Somogyi, S. Dec 4th, 2019, CTV-Kitchener TV with Carmen Wong, Canada’s Food Price Report 2020.
Somogyi, S. Dec 4th, 2019, Global News Calgary TV with Blake Lough, Canada’s Food Price Report 2020.
Somogyi, S. Dec 4th, 2019, CityNew Ottawa with Nigel Newlove, Canada’s Food Price Report 2020.
Somogyi, S. Dec 4th, 2019, Global News Calgary TV with Blake Lough, Canada’s Food Price Report 2020.
Somogyi, S & Nixon, A. (2019). Ford government’s changes to beer distribution are welcome, but now it’s time for action on wine. The Global & Mail. June 5
Marotta, S., Somogyi, S. 2019. U.S. tariffs on Mexican imports could result in price increases, delivery delays in Canada. The Globe & Mail. (cited for comment) June 7th.
Scarpelli, J., Somogyi, S. (2019), Where’s the beef? Red meat consumption, prices dropping, say experts, Global News Calgary TV.
Somogyi, S., Nixon, A., Thomas-Francois, K. (2019). U.S.-Mexico border dispute threatens Canadian food supply, grocery prices, The Globe & Mail, April 22nd.
Somogyi, S., Corradini, M. (2019). How Ottawa can address food waste, March 20, The Hill Times,
Somogyi, S (2019). Canadians having trouble adapting to the new food guide. March 14, Canada Food Guide Study,
Brehaut, L., Somogyi, S., Charlebois, S. (2019). Gwyneth Paltrow has a larger influence on what Canadians eat than our own food guide, National Post (cited for comment).
Somogyi, S. (2019). Weed of Feed? A Canadian Food Security Issue (Oped). January 19. The Hill Times (subscription).
Sagan, A, Somogyi, S., Charlbois, S. (2019). New food guide set to challenge prominence of meat, dairy industries. Jan 22
Somogyi, S. (2018). CBC Toronto & The National, Canada’s Food Price Report 2019. Dec 4th
Somogyi, S. (2018), Global News Morning, Toronto, Canada’s Food Price Report 2019. Dec 4th,
Carmichael, K & Somogyi, S. (2018). Can supply management and innovation co-exist? The dairy industry offers a surprising answer. Financial Post Nov 28
Smith, L. Somogyi., S (2018). Food Security: growing from the ground up, Chronicle Herald, April 3, security-growing-from-the-ground-up/
Somogyi, S. March 21 2019, “How the value-added food sector can be more competitive in global markets”, Senate Standing Committee for Agriculture & Forestry: Witness, Ottawa.
Somogyi, S, Dec 13, (2017), Radio Canada International: Food prices, trends to change in Canada: report,
UNIV6050: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Agri-Food Systems
HFTM6720: Services Management II