Policy 1.1 - Policy on Establishing University Policies and Procedures

The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat.  In the event of a discrepancy, the official version will prevail. Click here for a printable version of this policy. 

Approving Authority: Board of Governors & Senate
Responsible Office: University Secretariat
Responsible Officer: University Secretary
Original Approval Date: February 5, 2018
Most Recent Revision Date: N/A
Previous Revisions: N/A

1. Purpose

1.1. University Policies are developed in alignment with the University's strategic directions, core principles and the regulatory and legislative environment in which it operates.

1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to support good governance and effective oversight of the University by establishing a consistent approach to the development of University Policies and Procedures, to ensure that members of the University community and other users have ready access to well developed and clear policies.

1.3. This document defines what constitutes a University Policy and Procedures, outlines the steps for formulating, approving, issuing, amending and rescinding University Policies and Procedures, and defines the roles and responsibilities of responsible individuals and offices.

1.4. The University of Guelph formally approves, issues and maintains all University Policies and Procedures using a consistent process and format.  Individuals responsible for developing and maintaining University Policies and Procedures must follow the requirements outlined in this document and the related procedures for drafting, approving, revising and rescinding University Policies and Procedures.

2. Jurisdiction/Scope

2.1. This policy applies to all University Policies and Procedures approved by the Board of Governors and Senate.

3. Definitions

3.1. "University Policy" means an official University directive that: 

  • Provides guiding or governing principles to be followed in carrying out the activities of the University;
  • Establishes key requirements and responsibilities;
  • Helps ensure compliance with applicable laws, promotes operational efficiencies, advances the University's mission, and/or reduces institutional risks; 
  • Has broad implications throughout the University and is binding on members of the University Community;
  • Is approved by the Board of Governors or Senate; and
  • Does not include Collective Agreements, or other similar documents.

3.2. "Procedures" are statements that:

  • Articulate the method by which a University Policy is carried out and must be consistent with the related University Policy;
  • Identify roles and responsibilities; and
  • Are approved by the Responsible Officer or Approving Authority.

3.3. "Guidelines" are general statements that:

  • Are not mandatory and are a suggestion of best practice;
  • Can change frequently and are not subject to the requirements of this Policy or the Procedures for this Policy.

3.4. "Approving Authority" means the body, either the Board of Governors or Senate, responsible for final approval of a University Policy or Procedures.

3.5. "Responsible Officer" means the University Secretary or Vice-President who is designated to be responsible and accountable for the development, implementation, maintenance and review of a University Policy and related Procedures.  More than one Responsible Officer may be designated for a particular University Policy or Procedures.

3.6. "Responsible Office" means a unit or division of the University that is responsible for developing and administering a University Policy and related Procedures under the direction of the Responsible Officer.  More than one Responsible Office may be designated for a particular University Policy or Procedures.

4. Policy

4.1. Policy Development and Approval Process 

4.1.1. New University Policies or changes to existing University Policies are developed by the Responsible Officers or their designates in accordance with the standards and processes set out in this Policy and its related Procedures.

4.1.2. University Policies will be presented in common format as prescribed by the Procedures for this Policy.

4.1.3. University Policies will be formally approved by the Board of Governors or Senate.

4.1.4. A University Policy becomes operational and enforceable upon arrival or at a later date specified by the Approving Authority.

4.1.5. Responsible Officers may develop Procedures for the implementation of University Policies within their purview in accordance with the standards and processes set out in this Policy and its related Procedures.  Procedures associated with a University Policy become operational and enforceable  upon approval or at a later date specified by the Responsible Officer or Approving Authority.

4.2. Policy Implementation and Review

4.2.1. The office of the University Secretary is the official repository for University Policies and Procedures and will make University Policies and Procedures publicly accessible.

4.2.2. The University Secretary may make editorial changes to a University Policy or Procedures, provided that such changes do not substantively affect the University Policy or Procedures.  Editorial changes to a University Policy or Procedures are subject to approval by the Responsible Officer.

4.2.3. A University Policy must undergo a substantive review at least every five years but may be reviewed at any earlier time as needed.

4.2.4. Procedures associated with a University Policy must be reviewed when the University Policy is reviewed, but may also be reviewed independently of the University Policy or at any earlier time as needed.

4.3 Policy Amendment or Rescindment

4.3.1. University Policies may be amended or rescinded with the approval of the original Approving Authority in accordance with the processes set out in the Procedures for this Policy.

4.3.2. Procedures may be amended or rescinded with the approval of the original Approving Authority or the Responsible Officer in accordance with the process set out in the Procedures for this Policy.

4.4. Other Policies and Agreements

4.4.1. Policies and procedures that are set outside the scope of this Policy may not contradict University Policies and Procedures.

4.4.2. Where a University Policy or Procedure conflicts with the framework documents (the University Mission; the Act; the By-laws of the Board of Governors or Senate; or the current Strategic Framework) or any enforceable collective agreement between the University and its faculty or staff, the provisions of the framework document or collective agreement will prevail.

4.4.3. Large and lengthy policies may be exempt from the standard format requirements of this policy.  Exempt policies may be maintained on the web site of the originating department, with the stipulation that they be linked electronically to the appropriate section of the University Secretariat web site.  

5. Relevant Legislation

5.1. The University of Guelph Act, 1964

6. Related Policies, Procedures & Documents

6.1. Procedure for Policy 1.1 - Policy on Establishing University Policies & Procedures

6.2. Policy Template Document