New Ada Lovelace Scholarship Announced in the School of Computer Science

Posted on Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

Ethan Buchman, Founder of the Ada Lovelace Scholarship

As a graduate from the School of Computer Science, Ethan Buchman (B.Sc. '13, M.A.Sc. '16 ) saw an opportunity to support the School of Computer Science Awards Campaign, while at the same time promoting diversity in the industry. Ethan created the Ada Lovelace Scholarship, in honour of Ada who was a pioneer in computing by writing the world's very first computer programs. Through this scholarship, Ethan hopes it will inspire young women to enter, master, and propel the world of software and computer science and become trailblazers for women in the industry.

This award aims to carry on Ada’s vision to increase female student enrolment into computer science based programs. This $1,000 award is for female students entering any program offered by the School of Computer Science with a minimum 80% admission average and demonstrated financial need.

Ethan believes, "software was invented and perfected by women. But over the last 30 years, while software was eating the world, the world of software was devoured by men, consumed by a mentality of lone hackers, all night hours, and aggressive disputes, where 'all that matters is the technology'. But increasingly, the human side of software development has come to the forefront - the importance of psychological safety, of community, collaboration, diverse perspective, work-life-balance, and teams that are more than the sum of their parts. Not to mention the ethical implications of today's software."

 To apply, students should complete the online Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) application as soon as they receive their Acknowledgment Package from Admission Services by April 15th.

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