Guelph Women in Computer Science

Guelph Women in Computer Science (GWiCS) is a student organization focused on supporting and providing resources for women interested in studying Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Guelph. This includes cis and trans women as well as non-binary individuals. GWiCS hopes to support the inclusion and retention of these groups in our community.

GWiCS aims to:

  • Foster a sense of community amongst women studying computer science in our community through the organization of social and educational events
  • Provide opportunities to the community by making useful resources available
  • Support the retention of women studying in the School of Computer Science
  • Host speakers from industry and academia
  • Organize computer science and technology related workshops
  • Provide education on women's/diversity issues in computer science and STEM
  • Hold open, inclusive and welcoming meetings and office hours

GWiCS was created by two of our students, Maddie Gabriel and Dema Abuadas, the co-leaders of the organization. "GWiCS is an awesome group of like-minded people aiming to build a community of women studying computing at Guelph," says Maddie Gabriel, one of the co-founders. "Dema and I started the club because we noticed that Guelph didn't have a WiCS club like most universities do. The goal is to support the inclusion and retention of women in computing, and also to try to recruit more women into our programs!"

Interested in joining GWiCS? Please visit GWiCS to contact, subscribe or follow on social media.

Dema (left) and Maddie (right), the two students who co-founded GWiCS