Register for Roboticon 2014!
Roboticon is back for the 13th year at College Royal 2014 at the University of Guelph!
The University of Guelph would like to invite you to Roboticon 2014, our 13th annual robotics competition for high-school students. This year's robot-building and programming challenge will be occurring on March 15th & 16th, 2014 at the University of Guelph.
Roboticon is an annual event run in partnership with SOCIS and the School of Computer Science. It is an exciting opportunity for high school students to learn more about the field of Computer Science by designing and building Lego Mindstorms robots to complete a series of challenges designed by SOCIS students.
This event is open to all high school students! Roboticon is a completely free event to attend, we even provide all meals! Get a team and a teacher together to register your team! The School of Computer Science will loan Lego Mindstorm NXT Kits to teams that register. First Place receives a brand new Mindstorms Kit to keep!
The event provides young high school students with the opportunity for practical application and demonstration of math, programming and engineering skills, as well as promoting teamwork, collaboration and sportsmanship.
Last year, we had almost 20 teams from high schools across Ontario that participated in the robotics challenge, where they demonstrated what they had learned to an audience that included University staff and faculty, families, friends and members of the Guelph community.
If you want to learn more about this event, e-mail us at