The School of Computer Science Hosts Go CODE Girl

On Saturday, February 24th, the School of Computer Science hosted Go CODE Girl, an all-day event where girls from grades 8-12 are able to learn more about the exciting world of coding and software development.
Students from all over the area attended the full day workshop, where they started their day with our keynote speaker, Dr. Deborah Stacey. Dr. Stacey spoke about her experiences in coding and her experiences as a woman in computer science.
The students then were able to participate in three different workshops: a video game development workshop, a Snap Circuits workshop, and an innovation design project. At the video game development station, the girls learned how to create a game using the Unity Game Engine. The girls were led through a tutorial with the help of a volunteer instructor, and they learned how to use code in order to create a video game. At the Snap Circuits workshop, the girls created both simple and complex circuits to discover how circuits work and how they can be used inside a computer. The Innovation Design Project allowed the girls to flex their creative muscles. In pairs, we asked the girls to come up with an invention that would help to solve a problem in the world, such as mental health or the environment, that they found important to them.
During lunch, volunteers were tasked with helping to host lunch-time discussions about various topics that pertained to women in computer science. The students were asked questions about their thoughts on topics like how to get women more involved in computer science, and what girls need to feel more supported and engaged in school. They also were able to ask computer science students questions about what their experience has been like at the University of Guelph.
Above all else, the day was a success, with the girls being able to leave with new friends, new skills and a new enthusiasm for coding.