
Smart robot could transform produce picking farms

Smart robot could transform produce picking farms

A new smart robot could transform the way farmers pick tomatoes. Researchers at the University of Guelph have developed a grasping system which, when combined with artificial intelligence, can pick up produce.

NSERC - Synergy Awards for Innovation - Synergy Award for Innovation

Guelph is one of the largest cities in Canada that is totally dependent on groundwater for drinking water. Unfortunately, threats of contamination, climate change and a rising demand from Guelph and its neighbours are putting the sustainability of their shared aquifer at risk. An innovative partnership between Dr.

Kristina Kupferschmidt

This Guelph researcher describes how AI was used in this year's Canada's Food Price Report

Kristina Kupferschmidt is a PhD student at University of Guelph and the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence. She researches responsible applications for machine learning and for this year's food price report, she worked with food economists to identify key factors impacting food prices, then combined them with modern machine learning techniques to help produce more accurate predictions for changing food prices.

U of G prof receives national recognition

U of G prof receives national recognition

For two decades, professor Beth Parker, a professor in the School of Engineering and director of the Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute (MG360), has collaborated with the City of Guelph and two environmental engineering firms — Matrix Solutions and WSP Global — to enhance the city’s groundwater monitoring network with state-of-the-science methods to manage risks to the city’s water supply, safeguarding the community’s access to clean uncontaminated water into the future.