Cheesmaker Master Class - Pasta Filata Cheese - June 13 - 15
Date and Time

During this 3-day course, participants will learn the scientific and technological principles of making pasta filata cheeses through lectures, discussions, and hands-on cheesemaking. Participants will learn abou the markets and varieties of pasta filata cheese, the ingredients and manufacturing processes, and how to control those processes to optimize yield and quality. Both experienced and novice cheesemakers will benefit from the technical knowledge and could start applying their new skills immediately. Every day, we will alternate between lectures and hand-on cheese making in our pilot plant.
Dr. Joe Yun, in collaboration with Dr. Mary Ann Ferrer, will lead the course. Dr Yun, a graduate of Guelph Food Science program, conducted Mozzarella cheese research at Cornell University where he received PhD and worked as scientist. He also worked as R&D director in a US dairy company and technical director in a dairy company in Canada. In addition, technical representatives from Vivolac Culture company from the USA will be available to share their knowledge and expertise. They will guide participants through the cheese making process, lectures, and discussions.
Note that students will have three weeks after the course to complete one assignment and one quiz for evaluation as well as access to several resources during that period.