Faculty Advisors

For each of the majors offered within the department there are faculty advisors to help answer major specific questions. They are there to provide:

  • Specific course information for majors and minors
  • Information about specializations within majors
  • Transcript evaluations for graduation
  • Course substitutions
  • Career opportunities

The following is the list of faculty advisors for the department of Integrative Biology: 

Faculty Advisors

Major/Minor Faculty Advisor
Biodiversity Dr. Robert Hanner
Ext. 53479, CBG 222, rhanner@uoguelph.ca
Wildlife Biology/Ecology Dr. Christina Caruso
Ext. 52030, SSC 1471, carusoc@uoguelph.ca
Marine and Freshwater Biology, transfers Dr. Elizabeth Boulding
Ext. 54961, SSC 1464, boulding@uoguelph.ca
Zoology Dr. Jinzhong Fu
Ext. 52715, SSC 1458, jfu@uoguelph.ca

Major Specific Advising

For information and support on how to change a major, academic status, academic evaluations, etc., please visit the B.Sc. Academic Counselling Centre. For Ecology, please visit the OAC Program Counselling office