Quinn Webber

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I’m a behavioural ecologist interested in the movement, disease, and spatial ecology in long-term studies of individual wild animals. Our lab addresses the intersection between social and spatial behaviour with a particular emphasis on how these behaviours affect disease and parasite dynamics within a One Health framework. We also emphasize integrating classic ecological theory (e.g. optimal foraging theory) with contemporary methods (e.g. social network analysis and habitat selection analyses) to test multiple competing hypotheses. To date, I have been most excited about these ideas for bats, caribou, and squirrels, but if you study other species and are excited about these questions, please get in touch.
BSc: University of Winnipeg (2013)
MSc: University of Winnipeg (2016)
PhD: Memorial University of Newfoundland (2020)
Banting Post-Doctoral Fellow: University of Colorado Boulder (2021-2022)
- BIOL*4150 - Wildlife Conservation and Management (Fall 2024)
- ONEH*1000 - Introduction to One Health (Winter 2025)