Delong Li

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Accepting Graduate Students Fall 2022: No
Li's research interests include corporate finance, corporate bonds, international finance, and financial markets. He received Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University (United States), Master of Finance from Peking University (China), and Bachelors in Mathematics and Economics from Tsinghua University (China). Besides working at University of Guelph, he has also been visiting economists at International Monetary Fund and Bank of Finland. As a co-investigator, Delong received a SSHRC Insight Grant in 2019 to support his research in financial market disclosure.
Dr. Li has received several degrees:
Ph.D in Economics, Johns Hopkins University 2018
M.S. in Finance, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University 2012
B.S. in Mathematics, Tsinghua University 2010
B.A. in Economics, Tsinghua University 2010
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Bonds
- International Finance
- Financial Markets
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