University Professor Emeritus/Emerita

There are two distinct emeritus/emerita categories for which retired faculty may be nominated - Professor Emeritus/Emerita and University Professor Emeritus/Emerita.

Professor Emeritus/Emerita

Professor Emeritus/Emerita nominations are overseen by the Colleges. Nominations are made by a department or school promotion and tenure committees and are subject to final approval by the college promotion and tenure committee. This category is open only to retired professors of the University of Guelph (at any rank). The title granted will be at the rank at the time of retirement, i.e., Lecturer Professor Emeritus/a, Associate Professor Emeritus/a, Assistant Professor Emeritus/a, Full Professor Emeritus/a. A person employed full-time by the University in any capacity is not eligible. 

University Professor Emeritus/Emerita

The honour of University Professor Emeritus/Emerita may be given to a retired faculty member from the University of Guelph. The prime criterion for nomination will be sustained, outstanding scholarship of such a level that it is recognized internationally.

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