About Us

The Child Care and Learning Centre has been providing care and education for young children since 1990.

Through the years we have developed many partnerships both on and off campus which assist us in providing service to families and children. We are also involved in a collaborative academic partnership with the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition in the areas of undergraduate teaching, observation and research.

The University of Guelph Child Care and Learning Centre is enrolled in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) agreement. For more information, please use the following links:



The Centre has a very active Family Collaborative which contributes significantly to the quality of care and education offered.

Please browse through our site and get to know us better. If we can be of assistance to you, please let us know.

Our Mission

We are an early learning lab school dedicated to co-learning with children, families, and students through our values and relationships with the Land and community. 

Our Vision

A future of freedom and flourishing for all.

Our Core Values

We value our connection with each other, the Land, and the more-than-human world. We have gratitude for these relationships and see them as a critical component of our work.  
We recognize the important role of early learning and care in creating a more just world. We view children as important citizens and recognize the responsibility that we have to create equitable spaces and be active in advocacy efforts. 
We value questions, inquiries, and new learning opportunities. We foster curiosity by giving time and space to joyfully explore and wonder. We take risks, embrace innovation, and engage in research.  
The Land is an important teacher for us. We recognize that we are part of nature and work to strengthen our connection with the more-than-human world. We respect what Indigenous wisdom and ways of knowing can teach us and meaningfully work to reflect these within our decisions and actions.  
We are advocates for the field of early learning and care. As an early learning lab school, we critically consider research and current trends in early learning. We recognize our responsibility to support innovation and work to lead new directions and ideas within the field. 

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Organizational Memberships and Affiliations

University of Guelph Student Affairs

Ministry of Education Ontario

Association for Early Childhood Educators of Ontario

Ontario Reggio Association

North American Reggio Emilia Alliance

Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care

The Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario

City of Guelph Community Garden Network

Mabel's Label's Fundraising