Registering for Your Return Semester Courses
While you are away on exchange, you will need to register for courses for the semester when you return to Guelph.
a) Register on WebAdvisor during the Course Add Period (check the Undergraduate Calendar for deadlines)
There are certain computer requirements to access WebAdvisor and in an international context, you may not be able to access WebAdvisor. Therefore, we suggest having Plan B (see below) for registering for courses.
b) Complete an Undergraduate Course Request and a few Course Waiver Request forms and scan/e-mail them to a reliable friend who is able to take them to professors and/or your Program Counsellor on your behalf during the course add period. This is a good choice if one or more of your exchange courses are prerequisites for courses you will be taking at Guelph when you return. You will also need to get a Course Waiver Form signed if a course is full (which requires instructor’s consent to register) or has a course restriction (such as needing to be in a certain program).
Alternately, if you need signatures for a course(s), you may be able to scan and e-mail the Course Waiver Request form, with your signature, to the professor who needs to sign it and then to your Program Counsellor to add the course for you.