
Current Research

My research (student driven) at University of Guelph conducts various engineering and scientific investigations to understand complex interactions of anthropogenic drivers on the water resources and ecosystems, water availability and quality using geospatial, hydrological modeling and field research. Our group also investigates the interlinkages between Climate-water-food nexus and develop a holistic, well planned sustainable management strategies to provide solutions to emerging water and food crisis. Ultimately, the goal is to provide sustainable solutions to solve complex watershed-scale management problems under changing climate and landuse so that current and future generations will benefit. Some of the broader research interests/activities include but not limited to are:

Climate variability and change

Understand the land-atmospheric
interactions and anthropogenic
influences on surface runoff, on
ground water resources and on
water quality


drought crop

Evaluate the impacts of climate change
and variability on agricultural production
and extreme hydrologic and water-quality



Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems
(UAS) for environmental sustainability
and precision agriculture

Soil Erosion

Investigate the mechanics of soil erosion
and in particular ephemeral gully erosion


Develop a decision support framework
that includes coupling of agriculture, land
surface, atmospheric, ecologic, and
socioeconomic components to make good



Soil in hands

Investigate Biochar and Hydrochar
impacts on soil fertility and water quality


Evaluate the impacts of agricultural
management, watershed processes and
human behaviour on sediment, nutrient,
and pathogen fate and transport in both
overland and stream ecosystems in
natural and engineered environments

Improve current existing hydrological
model capabilities to better simulate
hydro-geological processes



vertical farming

Provide sustainable food solutions using
hydroponic/vertical farming


Funding Partners

OMAFRA logo   OSCIA logo NSERC logo SOSCIP logo
IBM logo Ontario Centres of Excellence logo OMECC logo University of Guelph logo


Past Research

At Texas A&M University (As a post doctoral research associate in SWAT model group), research involved investigating several national and international projects funded by prestigious United States national agencies such as USDA-NIFA, USGS, NRCS, CEAP, USAID and global industries such as Shell International. Some selected studies include (1) Assessing flow, sediment and nutrient loads using high resolution watershed modeling in West Lake Erie basin (2) Assessing the impact of BMPs in Eagle Creek watershed within West Lake Erie basin and investigating water quantity and quality in an experimental field (3) Simulation and prediction of decadal climate impacts on water and agriculture in Missouri River basin (4) Estimating water stress at county level in Midwestern and southern United States (5) Evaluating the impact of BMPs in Richland Chambers watershed of Texas (6) Estimating current and future water availability in Tigris-Euphrates river basin (7) Evaluating the fate and future of Al-hawiezh wetlands in Iraq.