Review Article List:

In a review article, an expert explains our current knowledge of a particular topic.

(S)he indicates which studies have contributed to that knowledge, how they have contributed and what questions remain to be answered.

In contrast, research articles are reports of new data that was not previously published.

To prepare review articles, authors find and analyze pertinent research articles (just as you will do in completing the Literature Research Lab). Thus review articles provide an important stepping stone between the primary literature (research articles) and the commonly accepted knowledge included in textbooks.

On the Courselink site for MICR*3260 you will find lists of review articles, updated each year, that are pertinent to Microbial Adaptation and Development. In Lab 1, select and read one of these articles. It will serve as your starting point and support your efforts throughout the Literature Research Lab.

In Lab 2 you will pick one of the articles cited in your review for analysis during the remainder of the course. Later you may return to this list to find other reviews related to your topic. Note that a very short review may provide a good introduction to a topic, but it will likely have a very short reference list that will restrict your choice of research articles!

If you wish, you may focus your efforts by choosing one of this term's assigned readings as your review article for this project. The assigned readings are found in the Course Outline, available at the Courselink site for MICR*3260.