
For some, truth is a fortress, square and strong
In which, once entered, safety lies.
Only like minded people dwell there, none disturb
The calm and certain sureties of belief.
Outside, the world pursues its way, its noise and
Clamour offering small attraction to those
Whose knowledge keeps them safe beyond the
Drawbridge of conviction. If any try to breach the
Bastions of tradition, they are repelled with
Boiling scorn. Truth is impregnable.

For others, Truth is both journey and
Discovery, a Way which leads and
Urges without rest.
No castles for retreat, but
Camps, where fellow pilgrims join
To take refreshment in each other's
Company. Assorted in experience, they
Enrich, enlighten, challenge and
Go on to further exploration.
Travelling light. Knowing that in this life
All is provisional; seeking fulfilment,
The end and explanation of the quest.

From Candles and Kingfishers: Reflections on the Journey by Ann Lewin, Foundery Press, UK, 1997