I am appealing a decision from an Academic Review Committee or the Admissions Progress Committee (graduate)

Requests for Academic Consideration on the basis of medical, psychological or compassionate grounds are made first to the Academic Review Committee of the student’s program (for undergraduates), or to the Admissions & Progress (A&P) Committee (for graduate students). Undergraduate students should see their program counsellor, and graduate students the Office of Graduate Studies, for more information.


View more information about when and how to apply for Academic Consideration.


View more information about when and how to apply for Academic Consideration.

Students who have requested academic consideration from the Academic Review Committee or A&P will receive a decision letter/ email granting or denying their request. Students have the right to appeal the denial of their request to the Petitions Committee.

The Petitions Committee hears appeals on the following grounds, and bases its consideration of appeals on university policies (see chapter VIII of the Undergraduate Calendar and chapter II of the Graduate Calendar for various university policies):

  • Was the decision unfair or unreasonable in light of the evidence presented;
  • Is new evidence is available that was not available at the time of the original decision*;
  • Was there was procedural unfairness or bias?

Please note: Your disagreement or disappointment with the decision is not of itself sufficient grounds for appealing.

*In the case that new evidence or documentation is available now that was not available at the time of the original decision, you must be able to show that& you were not able to get this evidence at the time of your application to the Academic Review Committee, and that the new evidence is relevant and compelling in supporting your position that you have medical, psychological or compassionate grounds for being granted Academic Consideration, and that the time-frame coincides with the time-frame of the period for which you are requesting consideration.

The deadline to appeal is 10 working days from the date of the decision letter/ email you received denying your request. You will be required to include a copy of the decision letter/ email from the Academic Review Committee in the documents you submit for your appeal.

If, after reviewing the relevant policies, you wish to proceed with an appeal, contact Student Judicial Services at judicial@uoguelph.ca for more information.