I am appealing a Grade Reassessment based on Methods and Criteria.

There are three grounds on which to request a grade reassessment:

  • a calculation error;
  • an appeal of the Methods and Criteria in assigning final grades; or
  • the Misapplication of an Academic Regulation or Procedure .

Of these, only a decision on grade reassessment/methods and criteria can be appealed to the Petitions Committee. The Petitions Committee has the jurisdiction to:

  • Act as an appeal body for a decision regarding a final grade on a course based on the methods and criteria used by the instructor;

The policy for Grade Reassessment/ Methods & Criteria is included in Chapter VIII of the Undergraduate Calendar, and Chapter II of the Graduate Calendar.

Graduate Students should also review the policy on named "Responsibilities of Advisors, Advisory Committees and Graduate Students, and Graduate Student –Advisor Mediation Procedures, and the Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (withflow chart); included in Chapter III of the Graduate Calendar.

The deadline to appeal to the Petitions Committee is 10 days from the date of the letter or email informing you of the Chair or Director’s decision. You will need to include the decision letter/ email you received from the Chair or Director in your appeal submission.

If, after reviewing the relevant policies, you wish to proceed with an appeal, contact Student Judicial Services at judicial@uoguelph.ca for more information.