I. University Organization and Structure

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is responsible for overseeing the government, conduct, management and control of the University and its property, revenues, expenditures, business and affairs. The Board has the authority to perform its duties and achieve the objectives and purposes of the University. Governors include ex-officio, appointed, and elected members that meet regularly from September to June. You can learn more about the Board of Governors on the University Secretariat website.


Under the University of Guelph Act the Senate is the ultimate academic authority in the University. It directs the academic life of the University assisted by its boards and committees. Senate is composed of both ex-officio and elected members, including student senators who are elected by their peers. Senate meetings are open to visitors who obtain tickets in advance from the Secretary of Senate. You can learn more about Senate on the University Secretariat website.

Senate Committee on Student Petitions

This committee is a standing committee of Senate that hears, assesses, and disposes of academic appeals from currently registered students. It is composed of members of Senate (including Student Senators) and its chair is named by Senate (a student or a faculty Senator who has had previous experience on the Committee). Membership, by-laws, agendas and minutes are available from Student Judicial Services.

Program Committee

Each undergraduate degree program has a program committee, which consists of faculty representatives, student members, staff from the Office of Registrarial Services, and a Program Counsellor. Committees examine the general regulations relating to their program and also the particular regulations proposed for specializations within that program. Admissions policy is recommended by these committees to the Board of Undergraduate Studies and is approved by Senate. Each program committee has an Academic Review Sub-Committee that considers and disposes of requests for academic consideration.