News related to CEPS

Graduates and Spectators look on at the CEPS Convocation

CEPS Convocation Awards 2023

Each year, the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and its academic units present outstanding graduating students with convocation awards to recognize their excellence and contributions to the University community throughout their programs. In 2023, 25 awards were given: 10 CEPS Dean’s Office awards and 15 Department and School awards.

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Dean's Office Convocation Awards

E.B. MacNaughton Convocation Prize

Photo of Dr. Manick Annamalai

Guelph Engineering Professor’s startup company receives $1 million from the Government of Canada

Dr. Manick Annamalai is an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering. His research focus is to “Improve life by improving the availability of safe and healthy food”. His team is developing non-destructive testing systems for biological application, validating imaging protocols, optimizing machine learning procedures, comparing bio-imaging systems with traditional methods for performance and costing, and implementing in real-world food supply system.

The Guelph EngiQueers Loo

CEPS Student Club Q&A - Guelph EngiQueers

We spoke with Co-Presidents of the Guelph EngiQueers, Adrianna Con (She/Her) & Perri Worrell (She/Her), and talked about their club and what they have coming up to celebrate pride month!

Could you tell us a little bit about Guelph EngiQueers and what you do?

Photo of Sheng Chang's Research

Microplastics: The Unseen Scourge

Unraveling the plastic threat hidden in our waters, Dr. Chang’s team has revolutionized the way we isolate, identify, and combat microplastic pollution.

Dr. A. Elsayed, S. Abner, Dr. E. Mena-Morcillo, and Dr. A. Chen pose in lab coats in a lab

Fighting Climate Change: Researchers Develop an Efficient Catalyst for CO2 Reduction

Global climate change is a hot topic in today's world, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless when we hear about its devastating effects. However, there is hope! Researchers from the University of Guelph, including Dr. Aicheng Chen, from the Chemistry Department, and Dr. Abdallah Elsayed, from the School of Engineering, have developed an innovative solution to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and combat climate change.

Hundreds of Students gathered for Battle STEM awards ceremony in the W.F. Mitchell Athletics Centre, Mitchell Gym, with the Battle STEM Logo graphic with a white background in the bottom left

BattleSTEM 2023

This past Thursday, the University of Guelph welcomed over 750 students and teachers from 26 different high schools across Ontario for our annual Battle STEM competition. Formerly known as the Science Olympics, Battle STEM gave Junior and Senior students the opportunity to participate in over 18 different STEM based events, workshops, and activities. Battle STEM is one of our largest outreach programs designed to engage youth in science and showcase the University of Guelph’s expertise and resources in STEM.

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