Mark Gray, MA (Leadership) '18 | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Mark Gray, MA (Leadership) '18

Marc Grey


Mark Gray, MA (Leadership) 2018

Current role: Director of Development, Wilfrid Laurier University
Work/life balance: Endurance sports enthusiast, MA (Leadership) class valedictorian.


"I had been a leader in the corporate sector as vice president for over 15-years but I wanted to find a program to help refine my leadership skills and push me academically. The MA Leadership program at Lang has inspired me to explore evidence-based leadership practices that continue to inform my behaviour, as I strive to be a positive influence towards a culture of character in my workplace."


Describe your experience during the on-site residential periods.

I chose the MA Leadership program at Lang after reading through the curriculum and the specific content covered during the two residency weeks. The opportunity to embed yourself into the culture at U of G and Lang, along with the time directly working with your cohort and professor, gave a unique perspective that online learning cannot replicate.

How did you find the online learning component of the program? Was it beneficial to be able to continue working at your job during your studies?

Although the course load is demanding, the benefits of online learning allowed me to fit coursework into my hectic schedule. I was determined to work full-time, and continue coaching a rep hockey team while completing my master’s degree. The well-designed online coursework made this possible. Professors were excellent at providing feedback in a timely manner; which really helped me remain productive and meet deadlines.


Did you find any career advancement or new direction during or after your studies? 

I very glad that I chose the MA Leadership degree from the Lang School of Business and Economics. I believe my degree opened the door for me to transition from a senior executive role at a private post-secondary into a position a public institution.