Bovine Respiratory Disease Diagnostic Plan - July 2018

A.  History:

  • Provide information on herd  size, numbers of animals affected, animal age, onset/duration of problem, vaccination history, and any treatments administered.

B. Submitting samples:

  • Select histology samples from several areas of affected and unaffected lung, including the junction between affected and unaffected lobules, if possible.
  • Please request specific tests, and submit separate tissue samples, in separate labeled Whirl-Pak bags, for each lab section and test requested.

C.  Samples required:

Bovine pneumonia:

Histology: Formalin-fixed sections of SEVERAL pieces of lung from cranial and caudal lobes, including borders of affected and unaffected areas, trachea, bronchial lymph nodes.

• Immunohistochemistry is available on formalin-fixed tissues for BVDV, BCV, BoHV-1 (IBRV), BRSV.

Bacteriology:  Affected areas of lung, pleural fluid/swab, tracheobronchial aspirate, or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid – routine culture.


• Mycoplasma bovis: PCR, lung from the borders of pneumonic areas. Deliver or freeze immediately.


• PCR (BVDV, BoHV-1/IBRV, BRSV, bovine coronavirus, bovine parainfluenza 3 virus): lung, trachea, nasal swabs.

Note: BoHV-1 (IBRV), BRSV, and BPI3 are included in the bovine respiratory panel PCR (brvp3).

Serology: BoHV-1 (IBRV), BPIV-3, BRSV, bovine coronavirus (BCV), BVDV 1 and 2, and bovine adenovirus (BAdV): submit paired sera from affected animal and/or survivors/herdmates.

Parasitology:  Feces for regular flotation, and for Baermann for larvae of lungworm.

See Bovine Postmortem sampling guide - Respiratory

Bovine PM Respiratory guidelines