Updated AHL Fee Schedule

Posted on Monday, May 2nd, 2016

To our valued clients:

Its May 1st again and with that comes our updated AHL Fee Schedule and User’s Guide.

Regular clients should have received a hard copy in the mail. If you require more, please email (ahl.supplies@uoguelph.ca) or call with your requirements.

There are some small inflationary fee changes for 2016-2017.

In both the hard copy version and the online version of the Fee Schedule, we have expanded columns to add more information.

The Fee Schedule can be accessed online in two ways - directly on the web at www.ahl.uoguelph.ca  (fees are available with a user name and password - please email ahlinfo@uoguelph.ca ) or, if you have online access to results and/or electronic submissions, you can access it from the AHL Fee Schedule button through our lab management software.

The User’s Guide is now more accessible online and is broken down by headings in html format.

Also, hotlinks are now available in the Fee Schedule and User’s Guide to access more information about testing (LabNotes , newsletters, etc.)

We will continue to strive to make the website more mobile friendly throughout the year. 

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