Staff highlights

At the Animal Health Canada meeting in September, Dr. Jim Fairles was the recipient of this year’s Carl Block Award.  This prestigious award is presented to an individual for outstanding contributions in the field of livestock animal health in memory of Carl Block, a cattleman whose tireless dedication to Canadian agriculture and commitment to animal health will long be remembered.

“The vision of AHC is inspired by individuals who demonstrate outstanding contribution by their actions and behaviour.  AHC is honored to bring to light the contribution of some of those individuals who often work in the shadow, but generate real change in the Canadian landscape of Animal Health and Welfare, and public-private collaboration”  Dr. René Roy, AHC industry Co-chair

Dr. Jim Fairles receiving the Carl Block award, presented by  Dr. René Roy and Dr. Maria Spinato

Dr. Jim Fairles receiving the Carl Block award, presented by

Dr. René Roy and Dr. Maria Spinato

LSD 25th anniversary celebration

2022 is the 25th anniversary of the amalgamation of the Animal Health Laboratory and the Agriculture and Food Laboratory, forming the Laboratory Services Division at the University of Guelph.  A celebration was held to mark this auspicious event, and to show appreciation for all staff whose contributions continue to be instrumental in supporting our 25th anniversary motto – “proudly serving”.  Congratulations LSD!

25th anniversary