Update from the Director

The view from the Director’s office

The view from the Director’s office

One of the major concerns we hear from our clients is regarding test results that don’t match up with expectations.  There are many reasons for this disparity, most of which are outlined in Dr. Tim Pasma’s article in this issue: “Why didn’t I get the results I expected?”  AHL conducts a wide range of quality control procedures to ensure that laboratory errors are eliminated or at least minimized.  These include extensive validation of each new test prior to being placed into use; incorporating positive and negative controls in each test run; double verification of transcribed results; and obtaining second opinions for qualitative diagnoses that may be challenging, unique or rare. 

And yet, we are dealing with biological systems and human error.  Some tests, such as PCR, are almost too sensitive and subject to contamination during the collection and testing process.  Others, such as bacterial culture following antimicrobial therapy, are not sensitive enough.  The best avenue to pursue when test results don’t match the expected outcome is to contact the AHL veterinarian whose name is listed at the bottom of the specific laboratory test report.  They are best able to troubleshoot the test and discuss the rationale for the outcome.  In some cases, the decision may be made to repeat the test using the same sample or to collect a fresh sample for testing.  Perhaps a second opinion is warranted for a pathologic diagnosis. 

Let’s work together to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the outcome of AHL laboratory testing.

Maria Spinato, Director

Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON.