
Reduced fertilizer emissions possible through incentives

Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle, a professor in the University’s School of Environmental Sciences, discusses how 4R fertilizer management (right source, right time, right rate and right placement) can have positive environmental impacts.

U of G Researchers Are Committed to Reducing Global Methane Emissions

A University of Guelph-led, international project intends to reduce climate-warming methane emissions from dairy cattle – a key issue following adoption of a global methane-reduction pledge at this month’s United Nations climate change conference.

Dr. Marialisa Laurella stands in her clinic while looking through a microscope. An icon banner at the bottom says Ontario Agri-Food Innovation research, 2020-21 agri-food yearbook.

Small-town clinic offers big-time experiences

Leaving the city behind to start your career in small-town northern Ontario might seem like a path less travelled. But for Dr. Marialisa Laurella — a 2011 Ontario Veterinary College graduate — the North is exactly where she wanted to be.

She says the decision to move north was driven by the opportunity to hone her skills while tackling a wide range of challenging small- and large-animal cases.

Dr. Manjusri Misra in the Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre with an icon banner at the bottom with text Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance research, 2020-21 Agri-Food Yearbook.

Biocomposites make vehicle manufacturing greener

Plastic has helped the automotive industry trim millions of kilograms of fuel-wasting weight from vehicles and keep production costs in check. But as the spotlight falls on other environmental aspects of car and truck manufacturing, the University of Guelph is showing leadership in creating eco-efficient materials that can further reduce costs and waste.

Ontario Investing in the Future of the Livestock Sector

The Ontario government is investing in two projects at Ontario Research Centres in Elora to foster innovation in Ontario’s livestock industry and support economic growth across rural Ontario.

Microgreens growing in two trays with an icon banner at the bottom that says Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance research, 2020-21 Agri-Food Yearbook

These micro-veggies are poised for major impact

More food, less space: that’s the mantra of those trying to figure out how we’ll feed future populations as arable land becomes less available.

One answer is microgreens, vegetable greens that are picked directly after the first leaves have developed — specifically, after sprouting of the cotyledons, which are the initial leaves that are visible after successful germination of the seed.

Abstract illustration of people icons connected by lines with the title Mobilizing Knowledge in Ontario's Agri-Food sector and Rural communities a U of G OMAFRA Knowledge Exchange Event on the left side.

Join us for our Knowledge Exchange Event

Join us for a two-and-a-half hour event to build capacity around Knowledge Translation and Transfer and mobilizing knowledge to achieve impact in Ontario’s agri-food sector and rural communities. The first hour of the event will feature our keynote speaker with the second hour-and-a-half profiling current Alliance-funded 'KTT Mobilization' and 'Mobilization Initiatives' projects by U of G researchers. Register here.

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