Confidence in the Classroom

Date and Time


SSC 2306


Confidence in the Classroom is a unique orientation and training event to build self-efficacy and community among CBS Teaching Assistants (TAs). 

This event is being organized by the CBS Office of Educational Scholarship and Practice and will take place on Friday, September 8, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in SSC 2306, and it is targeted to both new and experienced TAs from all departments. 

Some of the topics we will discuss together include the values and responsibilities that come from being a TA, the various roles TAs can have in the College, and how to combat imposter syndrome. TAs will have the opportunity to learn from each other, meet other educators in the College, and visit some iconic classrooms and labs in their respective departments. Students who have never TAed before will get a great overview of what to expect as TAs, and students who have some teaching experience will further develop their skills and network! This is a respectful, open, and safe space for all TAs to bring their questions, concerns, and thoughts about TAing and we will do our best to address them. A pizza lunch will be served.

We have extended the registration deadline until September 5 and spots are limited, so please sign up asap (and honour your commitment if you register)

If you have any questions, contact us at


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