Academic and Career Advising

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any academic issues please visit the B.Sc. Academic Counselling Office and arrange to  speak with a program counsellor as soon as possible. Everything you discuss with your program counsellor is completely confidential and while they may not have all the answers they will refer you to someone who can help. We are here to help! They are located on the main floor of the Science Complex Rm, 1329. Each major also has a designated faculty advisor that can help provide insight and guidance related specifically to your major. 

Program Counsellors

The Bachelor of Science Program Counsellors are available to support you throughout your academic career at the University of Guelph. Their role is to provide you with advice regarding your degree program including:

  • Academic policies and procedures
  • Changing majors
  • Academic consideration
  • Academic standing
  • Courses required to meet graduation requirements
  • Admission and transfer information
  • Referrals to appropriate supports on campus
  • A liaison to faculty, staff, chairs etc regarding academic concerns and requests

Up-to-date academic advice and course information can be found on the B.Sc. Advising website

The Program Counsellor for the B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, major Ecology, can be found on the Environmental Sciences website

Many students encounter academic and/or personal challenges that may impact academic success at some point in their academic careers. One of the biggest challenges  program counsellors face is connecting with students in a timely manner. No matter what the circumstance it is critical that students meet with a program counsellor to explore their options so that each student can make an informed decision that meets both their academic and personal needs.

Common issues that students discuss with their program counsellor include:

  • Probation: If you are on probation,  speak with your program counsellor to discuss  appropriate course load, the advisability of dropping courses, re-sequencing courses  to account for failed courses, semester average needed or the possibility of requesting an extension of probation. 
  • Academic consideration: If you are missing semester work for an extended period of time for documentable reasons, or you need to defer an exam because you have been ill during the semester, or extenuating circumstances develop after the 40th class day, speak to your program counsellor before the end of the semester to discuss options for academic consideration .
  • Course results: If you are struggling in all your courses and are unsure of what action to take, it is advisable to meet as soon as possible to discuss what options are available to maximize success.
  • Requirements for completing your degree: If you are unsure of what courses you are missing, or you are off schedule and trying to figure out when you will be able to graduate, or are having trouble reading your academic evaluation, meet with your program counsellor as soon as possible. It is advisable that all students do so no later than the beginning of semester 7.

Career Advisors

CBS's Career Advisor, Julia Leary, is uniquely qualified to provide support that will help you embark on your career journey. Her support can help you make informed choices that can positively affect your career, including:

  • Improved understanding of skills and strengths;
  • Understanding of future education options; and
  • Stronger job search strategies.

Julia is ready to meet with current students and recent alumni on career services that include:

  • Interview coaching and preparation;
  • Résumé feedback;
  • Career development;
  • Further education planning;
  • Job search support; and
  • Other career-related questions.

Faculty Advisors

Each major has an assigned faculty advisor who is an active faculty member with current research interests related to the major. The faculty member not only conducts research related to the field of study but they often teach within the discipline and can discuss the following issues:

  • Courses related to the major
  • Requirements for the majors
  • Graduate opportunities
  • Career information

For a listing of faculty advisors within the B.Sc. degree program please see a complete listing on the B.Sc. Advising website.

For a listing of all faculty advisors, for all programs at the University of Guelph, please see the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre website.