Student Wellness and Experience

Both UofG and CBS have a variety of resources and initiatives that can boost your graduate experience and wellness! Explore the links below to learn more.

UofG Student Services

From counselling to managing conflicts with landlords, writing assignments and analyzing data, chatting about your identity in a safe space, learning about research commercialization, sharing experiences about grad school, troubleshooting technical difficulties with your computer, booking a medical check-up, and preparing for a job interview, various units across campus offer resources, group activities, and one-to-one appointments with student affairs professionals to assist you during your time in graduate school. Student Services are available for ALL students (not only undergraduate students, as it is commonly thought), so don't hesitate to benefit from them!   

Student Organizations

Graduate Student Support Circle

The Graduate Student Support Circle (GSSC) is an initiative of Student Wellness. This group of graduate students from across campus meets weekly to provide peer support and share aspects of graduate student life that may be challenging to discuss elsewhere. Visit the GSSC website or email them at for more information.

Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The mission of the Graduate Students' Association (GSA) is to advance the academic and social goals of graduate students at the University of Guelph. The GSA can assist you with information and services related to health and dental plans, bus passes, emergency/compassionate grants, student food bank, volunteer connections, and counselling, among others. You can visit the GSA website to learn more.

MCB Graduate Student Council

The Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Student Council consists of a group of students who are motivated to work together to promote an engaging and collaborative environment within the department of MCB, and most importantly to enhance the graduate experience of students within the department. The MCB GSC works with the department to host a variety of both academic and social events throughout the year. Get in touch:; MCB GSC website.

Other Student Groups

There are more student-run organizations and clubs across campus! You can check out the full list on the UofG Student Experience website.

Opportunities for Student Involvement in CBS

Departmental Committees

If you are looking for ways to build connections and enhance your sense of community, joining a departmental committee might be of interest to you! Each department typically has several committees that include graduate student representatives.  These committees span topics from EDI to curriculum, awards, outreach, teaching and learning, wellness and faculty searches, among others. Please check in with your department’s administrative assistant for current vacancies. Your department would be happy to have you!

Students Communicating Research in Biology Education (SCRIBE)

SCRIBE writers are graduate students who take an active role in translating and communicating research results from CBS research to non-specialist audiences. SCRIBE writers develop knowledge mobilization skills and get their pieces published on the CBS website and/or as part of CBS’s Research Highlights magazine. In October 2021, CBS also launched its own podcast, Gryphon CAST (Chatting About Science Today), a division of SCRIBE. Interested in being part of SCRIBE or Gryphon CAST? We put out a call every Fall!

Dedicated Spaces

Room bookings

If you would like to book a space to study or hold a meeting for your club/organization, CBS can help! Email your department’s admin staff to explain your space needs. In addition, larger rooms can be booked through Registrarial Services and quiet study rooms can be booked through the Library.

Breaks and lunchtime spaces

You are welcome to use lounge rooms and kitchens in your building. You can also use the Atrium, but large groups, especially after office hours, might require booking (please check with Hospitality Services).

Indigenous Little Free Library

Everyone is welcome to peruse or borrow books by Indigenous authors from this unique space organized by IB Indigenous Belonging and Connections Committee. The library is located on the 2nd floor lounge in the SSC.