Call for Nominations
Lang currently has two teaching and learning awards: The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence for a full-time faculty member (tenured/tenure track/contract), and The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence, for a sessional instructor. The aim of these awards is to recognize Lang instructors for their excellence in teaching and learning.
Members of the university community are invited to nominate individuals or teams for these awards based on excellence in one or more of the following areas:
- Classroom instruction
- Graduate teaching and supervision
- Course design and curriculum development
- Producing learning/educational materials
- Development of innovative teaching methods
- Scholarship in Teaching and Learning
Nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Contribution to supporting the School’s Active Learning pillar - how does this instructor help to support active learning for Lang students? For reference, Lang’s Active Learning value statement is: “We value pedagogies that foster student engagement. We are committed to providing a supportive and challenging learning environment, in which students apply theory to real world problems, work collaboratively with others, and have the opportunity to develop essential and transferable skills.”
- Having the support from multiple stakeholders (e.g. students, peers, alumni, administrators, etc.)
- Significance of the contribution to student learning and teaching
- Demonstrated benefits to the quality of the learning experience
- Overall commitment and passion for improving the student learning experience
Nomination packages must include:
- Completed nomination form (provided)
- Nominee’s teaching philosophy statement
- Letter from nominator(s) summarizing why they recommend the nominee for the award, and what area(s) of excellence in teaching and learning they should be recognized for. The letter should also emphasize the contributions being made to active learning.
- No more than 4 letters of support from undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, administrators, and off-campus collaborators, as appropriate.
Available Awards
The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence (tenured/tenure track /contract faculty)
Awarded to a Lang faculty member who demonstrates excellence in teaching and learning based on the above criteria.
The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence (sessional faculty)
This award is dedicated to Vincent Casey Cosgrove, a sessional instructor who exemplified a passion for helping students learn. In his honour, this award is presented to a sessional instructor at Lang who demonstrates excellence in teaching and learning based on the above criteria and upholds Casey’s passion for helping students grow.
In total, 2 awards are available this year (1 Faculty, 1 Sessional). Nominations are due annually to the Office of the Associate Dean, Academic and should be submitted to Packages will be reviewed by the Lang Teaching and Learning Advisory Board. Recipients will receive $1,500 (subject to deduction of all pertinent taxes), and a certificate acknowledging the award.
Previous Award Recipients
Dr. Katie Lebel, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Nicole McCallum, recipient of The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence
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Rob McLean, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Scott McRoberts, recipient of The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence
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Dr. Francis Tapon, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Dr. Evelina Rog, recipient of The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence
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Nikola Gradojevic, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Daniela Senkl, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Sonia Dhaliwal, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
David Green, recipient of The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence
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Ruben Burga, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Ilias Tsiakas, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Brynn Winegard, recipient of The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence
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Kathleen Rodenburg, recipient of The Paul MacPherson Teaching Award of Excellence
Melissa Pulvermacher, recipient of The Casey Cosgrove Teaching Award of Excellence