AHL Newsletter, June 2016

For a pdf copy of the June 2016 Newsletter click here


Dr. Felipe Reggeti, new AHL Clinical Pathologist -Clinical Toxicologist

We will be welcoming Dr. Felipe Reggeti to the AHL as our Clinical Pathologist - Clinical Toxicologist, effective mid-July, 2016. Felipe graduated in veterinary medicine in Venezuela in 1992, taught biochemistry while earning an MSc in 1997, and earned his PhD in OVC Pathobiology in 2005. He taught clinical pathology at OVC for 3 years and passed the Clinical Pathology certifying examination of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists in 2008. For the past 7 years, Felipe has worked as a veterinary clinical pathologist in Toronto. Dr. Brent Hoff will be mentoring Dr. Reggeti in Toxicology before retiring (again) this fall. We're delighted to have Dr. Reggeti join our team at the AHL.

Felipe Reggeti

May 1, 2016, AHL User’s Guide and Fee Schedule

Includes more test information, new tests (bentpnl—see next page), and much more!  Also available on-line at http://www.guelphlabservices.com/AHL/#

Image of front cover fee guide 2016


DSP Client Outreach Technician

The AHL is pleased to announce that Josie Given has been named as Client Outreach Technician, a new 1-year position funded through the Disease Surveillance Plan (DSP) to provide a range of outreach activities for the lab. Her position will focus on a voluntary pilot AHL milk bacteriology quality program. Her clinic visits will include preanalytical aspects of laboratory submissions - sample handling and shipping, electronic and customized

submission forms, premises ID, and submission supplies. Josie will be able to assist in all areas of in-clinic laboratory quality assurance, including clinical pathology and parasitology. This support should help clinics provide the best possible results to their clients. Josie brings a wealth of experience from her current position as Client Services Technician at the AHL. Please help us in welcoming Josie to this position.


Josie Given profile picture

PID summer student

We are pleased to welcome Kassie Dusome, who will be working out of our AHLKemptville laboratory. Kassie is a first-year veterinary student at OVC with experience in the dairy industry. She will be helping to increase the use of Premises Identification numbers (PIDs) on food animal submissions this summer, along with other OAHN projects.

As an Ottawa native, Kassie is excited to be working back in eastern ON.

Kassie Dusome profile picture


New comprehensive anticoagulant rodenticide (AR) screen

Nick Schrier

With the support of the Disease Surveillance Plan (DSP) - funded by the OMAFRA-University of Guelph Strategic Partnership under a joint federal-provincial Growing Forward 2 project - the toxicology section has implemented a new comprehensive anticoagulant rodenticide (AR) screen. The new screen is based on liquid chromatograph tandem mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS) instrumentation with limits of detection in the low parts-per-billion (ppb) range.

Anticoagulants included in the screen are: difethialone, flocoumafen, bromadiolone, brodifacoum, difenacoum, chlorophacinone, coumachlor, diphacinone, dicoumarol, warfarin, coumafuryl (fumarin), coumatetralyl, pindone, and valone.

The diagnosis of AR intoxication requires both the presence of one or more AR in appropriate samples (e.g., liver or serum) and antemortem or postmortem evidence of a coagulopathy unrelated to another identifiable causes of hemorrhage (e.g., trauma). Submit 10 g liver, or 2 mL serum or plasma (not whole blood), or 20 g suspect material, with liver and serum being the best samples. Sample should be frozen. Price is $90 per sample and turnaround time is 5-10 business days.

New bovine enteric panel 

Jim Fairles

This panel combines the 3 most common tests used in neonatal bovine diarrhea workups:

  • Sucrose wet mount for Cryptosporidium.
  • Bacterial culture for E. coli, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens.
  • Bovine Rotavirus/ Coronavirus PCR.

The sample required is feces in a sterile leakproof container. The fee of $78 is discounted from the individual test fees ($84.50) and the short code is bentpnl.