Fungal culture - Mycology, ID





Days test started:



7-30 d

Available for:

Food Animal
Companion Animal

Specimen Type/Volume

1) Affected tissue, lesion, fluid, exudate. 2) Hair and skin scrapings.

Shipping Information

Ship in insulated container with: 1) freezer packs. 2A+B) without freezer packs.

Collection Protocol

1) Collect into a leakproof sterile container - refrigerate immediately. 2A) From symptomatic animals, scrape skin and hair (10 to 12 strands min) at the edge of lesion using a scalpel blade and collect into a sterile leakproof container - store at room temperature. Do NOT submit scalpel blade to lab. 2B) From asymptomatic animals, comb hair using a new, unused toothbrush and collect into a sterile leakproof container - store at room temperature. When scraping the surface of skin lesion, clean the affected area with 70% ethanol before sample collection. Do NOT use iodine since it can be detrimental to some dermatophytes. However, clean skin with 70% ethanol followed by 2% iodine if skin biopsy will be performed.

Additional Information

For the isolation of yeast, dermatophytes, and other filamentous fungi.