Tritrichomonas fetus, bovine - culture





Days test started:



3-15 d

Available for:

Food Animal

Specimen Type/Volume

Smegma or preputial flush.

Shipping Information

Submit samples in Tritrichomonas pouches at room temperature. Use of insulated containers is essential.

Collection Protocol

Inoculate samples into Tritrichomonas pouches and store and transport at room temperature. Prior to inoculation, the pouches should be kept at room temperature in dark (Do not refrigerate pouches at any stage). Inoculated pouches must be kept between 15-37C. When the inoculated pouches are stored or shipped at 4C or below, the viability of the organisms decreases and thus the sensitivity of the test decreases. Inoculated pouches frozen or shipped on ice will not provide reliable results and will require re-collection. In summer months, care should be taken to make sure that the inoculated pouches are not exposed to temperatures exceeding 37C.

Additional Information

Call parasitology lab x54522 to order culture pouches prior to sampling AND before shipping pouches. Pouches should be shipped to arrive on Mon-Thurs only. Out-of-province clients must pay cost of pouch plus shipping (financial only test code tfpouch). AHL SPEC ROOM: Upon arrival, do not refrigerate pouches. Leave at room temperature and call parasitology lab for pick-up from Specimen Room. Please do not cover the pouch with any labels.