Resources for Site Owners

Need help? Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

  • I don't see Edit on my page. How do I edit it?
    • Make sure that you are logged into the back end of the site. Go to and enter your Central Login ID and Password.
    • Return to your Personal Website's address, and you should now see "Edit" at the top of the page.
  • Is my personal website compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)?
    • It is important that your Personal Website is compliant with the AODA, because your page should be viewed with ease by everyone.
    • Visit our Accessibility page, and use this as a "checklist" to make sure you're adhering to the new required standards of the AODA.
    • Have more questions? These Useful Links can provide you with all the information you need.
    • Our team can also run your site through SiteImprove as a final check.
  • What is alternative text, and why do I need to use it?
    • Alt Code ExamplePeople with disabilities that don't allow them to see what's on your page, rely on special software to read everything (including images) on your website. If Images lack alternative text (Alt tags), the screen reader can get confused - and so does the person using it. Decorative images still require an empty Alt Tag (written as: Alt="") to represent that the image is purely decorative. These images are ignored by the screen reading software.
    • Images of People should list the people in the photo. If they are just posing for a photo, simply entering their names separated by commas is sufficient. If they are doing something in the photo, the Alt Tag should explain that (Alt="John shakes hands with Sherry at Friday's convention")
    • Images of logos can have a simple Alt Tag including the logo's name (Alt="University of Guelph Logo")
    • The Drupal operating system defaults to an empty Alt Tag (Alt=""), so all images are set up with a "decorative" Alt Tag. If this is not the case, enter the Alt text when uploading your images.