Applying to Graduate School in Psychology: A Panel for Students from Under-Represented Communities Including First Generation and Racialized Students

Date and Time


Panel details Oct 11 2:00-5:30 Applying to Grad School in PSYC
Poster: Applying to Graduate School in Psychology: A Panel for Students from Under-Represented Communities Including First Generation and Racialized Students


The Psychology Department Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is hosting an event entitled Applying to Graduate School in Psychology: A Panel for Students from Under-Represented Communities Including First Generation and Racialized Students. Though the event is targeted to students from underrepresented groups, everyone is invited and welcome to attend. The event will be held virtually on Zoom on Oct 11th at 2:00pm EDT and will include panel speakers, workshops and an area specific networking session. Please see the attached poster for more information and register for free at