Senate Committee on Non-Degree Studies

Committee Bylaws

1. The Committee on Non-degree Studies shall consist of: the Associate Vice-President Academic or designate; the Executive Director of the Office of Open Learning and Educational Support or designate; four faculty members; the Chief Librarian or designate; and three students (one or more of whom shall be a non-degree studies student if possible). 

The Executive Director, Open Learning and Educational Support, shall be a non-voting member of the committee. 

2. The Committee on Non-degree Studies has the responsibility to:

a) formulate and offer advice to Senate consistent with that body’s responsibilities for development and oversight of educational policy as it concerns non-degree programs for which a University of Guelph credential is awarded; 

b) assist Senate in overseeing the implementation of educational policy as it concerns such non-degree programs; 

c) support the priorities of Senate; 

d) make contributions that will enhance the overall academic reputation of the University and reflect the full range of Senate’s responsibility for the educational policy of the University; 

e) identify strategic priorities for the coming academic year and submit them annually through the Priorities and Planning Committee to Senate along with a report outlining the Committee’s accomplishments for the current year. 

The Committee on Non-degree Studies will: 

3.1 In general, advise and, where appropriate, make recommendations to Senate concerning: 

a) statements of educational goals and standards pertaining to non-degree programs at the University. This includes the University Learning Objectives and matters pertaining to internationalism and student financial accessibility at the non-degree programs level. 

b) policies pertaining to academic and educational plans, priorities, and developments affecting non-degree programs at the University. 

c) the implementation of Senate-approved statements, policies and programs affecting non-degree programs and matters that bear on the formulation or further development of Senate policy.

3.2 For Non-degree Credit Programs, acting on Senate’s authority, subject to subsequent report to Senate, decide upon:

a) the introduction of new non-degree programs or changes to existing programs (including course additions and deletions), taking into consideration the academic philosophy and planned directions of the University, the coherence of proposed programming, the relevant internal and external criteria for the evaluation of such programs. 

3.3 For Academic Standards, Admission, Evaluation and Completion Requirements, advise and, where appropriate, make recommendations to Senate concerning: 

a) policy matters relating to academic standards, admissions standards, evaluation, and the granting of non-degree program certificates and diplomas. 

3.4 Acting on Senate’s authority, approve: 

a) candidates for non-degree certificates and diplomas in a manner consistent with the Senate-approved policies and programs for non-degree programs. 

4. In all cases, policy and program decisions made by the Committee on Non-degree Studies or recommended by the Committee and approved by Senate, shall be reflected in the text of relevant University publications. 

5. The Committee has the authority to establish sub-committees and working groups with such duties and delegated authority as deemed necessary. Such decisions will be taken with due regard to any Senate guidelines concerning the establishment and operation of such sub-committees and working groups.

6. The Committee may elect to delegate routine decisions within its authority to appropriate units offering non-degree programs which shall provide periodic reports to the Committee on Non-degree Studies about actions taken so that all such matters may be considered and reported by the Committee to Senate, as appropriate. All such delegated decision-making shall be consistent with relevant policies established by the Committee and/or Senate. 

Approved: November 30, 2009 
Committee Reviewed: December 2014
Editorial Revision: October 2021