Smoke-Free U of G Consultation

Date and Time


OVC Pathobiology AHL, Room 4838 


U of G is transitioning to be a smoke-free campus in Spring 2019.  We recognize that this new policy will have an impact on those who smoke on the main campus and we want to hear from you. 

Please join the 1.5h smoke-free consultation session to share your questions, comments and concerns.

Please RSVP the consultation session here: 

The consultation questions will include:

  1. Are you and/or your group in support moving toward a smoke-free campus policy?
  2. What benefits or opportunities do you think a smoke-free campus policy would offer University of Guelph?
  3. What potential opposition or challenges do you see to moving to a smoke-free campus? What questions or concerns do you anticipate, and what should the committee be prepared to address?
  4. What should be considered in implementing a smoke-free campus policy?
  5. How do we ensure our commitment to an inclusive campus if people who smoke are not allowed to smoke on campus?
  6. Currently these are the benefits/supports/resources that are available (list provided).
    1. Are there additional resources or supports needed for smokers when the university moves in this direction?
    2. Are there additional resources or supports needed for supervisors/leaders when the university moves in this direction?
  7. What would be the best way for the University to communicate about the smoke-free campus initiative? 
    1. Do you have any recommendations on the language/wording that is used?
  8. Who else do you think we should connect with or who else should be involved?
  9. Any additional questions, comments or considerations?


Questions, comments and feedback may also be submitted online through the Smoke-Free U of G website or emailed to

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